Vision and Mission
The ABC of our Apostolic Ministry of Church Planting and Growth.
The ABC of the vision of Shofar Apostolic Church
An important branch of Shofar Tabernacle Minsitries is about “Church Planting and Growth” through the establishment of Churches under the Banner titled, “SHOFAR APOSTOLIC CHURCH (SAC)” at various places across India and the World. We believe in the Apostolic Mandate of establishing the Kingdom of God on earth through the Church.
Read the ABC of our Vision and Mission through the below link:
Get In Touch
(+91) 9986004849
Spellbound Towers, 406. 4th Floor, O.U.Teachers Colony. Hi-tension Road. Sainikpuri. – 500 094
Mon – Fri: 10am – 9pm
Weekends: 10am – 3pm