– By Lucy Yalavarthy

  • In the Gospel of John, Nicodemus emerges as a significant figure who undergoes a transformative journey centered around the theme of being born again. This concept, introduced by Jesus Himself, marks a pivotal shift in Nicodemus’ understanding of faith and salvation. Let’s delve into Nicodemus’ story and explore the profound lessons it offers.

What was Nicodemus?

Nicodemus, a Jew, Pharisee, and member of the Jewish ruling council/Sahendrian, is portrayed in three key encounters throughout the Gospel of John: Chapter 3, Chapter 7 and Chapter 19.

  1. John Chapter 3: Initial Encounter and Spiritual Rebirth
  • Nicodemus, known for his deep knowledge of Jewish law, approaches Jesus under the cover of night, acknowledging Jesus as a teacher from God.
  • Instead of responding directly to Nicodemus’ statement, Jesus goes straight to the heart of the matter—being born again.
  • Jesus explains that being born again is not about physical birth but a spiritual transformation—a new birth through faith in Him. It entails repentance, acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior, and reconciliation with God.
  1. Understanding Being Born Again
  • It is a Spiritual Transformation, it means a spiritual birth from God (being born of the Spirit), not  a physical or natural birth (being born of water).
  • This transformation involves a change in our hearts, not just outward actions. It is not our works or being nearly as good enough, will take us to heaven.
  • Being born again is a spiritual experience. It’s when the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin, we understand/realize that we have sinned and  the need to saved,  and we repent of our sin and finally confess Jesus is Lord and Saviour
  • When we are born again there is no separation between God and us, because of Jesus Christ. And our names are written in the Lambs book of life. We are a child of God not just today but forevermore.
  1. Progression in Nicodemus’ Journey
  • John 7: 50-51: Nicodemus defends Jesus amidst a debate among the Pharisees, advocating for fairness and justice in judging Him.
  • John 19: 39-40: Nicodemus, alongside Joseph of Arimathea, courageously cares for Jesus’ body after His crucifixion, demonstrating his public support and reverence for Jesus.

Lessons from Nicodemus’ Journey

  • Transformation of Heart: Nicodemus moves from a focus on external observances and works of the law to understanding the necessity of a personal, spiritual relationship with God.
  • One Way to Salvation: Jesus emphasizes that He is the exclusive path to eternal life. Despite various religions and beliefs, salvation comes only through faith in Him.
  • Public Witness: Nicodemus’ progression shows the importance of standing up for truth and openly supporting Jesus, even in the face of opposition.

Note: Baptism

  • Baptism cannot save a person; in fact, Baptism is a result of being saved!
  • Once you are born again, you are saved through faith, and you take Baptism as an external proclamation.
  • Being born again is marked by a personal encounter with Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s conviction of sin.
  • Baptism is a symbol of being saved through faith, not the source of salvation itself.