John 3:1 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

– By Lucy Yalavarthy

In the Gospel of John, Nicodemus emerges as a significant figure who undergoes a transformative journey centered around the theme of being “Born-Again”. This concept, introduced by Jesus Himself, marks a pivotal shift in Nicodemus’ understanding of faith and salvation. Let’s delve into Nicodemus’ story and explore the profound lessons it offers.

What was Nicodemus?

Nicodemus, a Jew, Pharisee, and member of the Jewish ruling council/Sanhedrin, is portrayed in three key encounters throughout the Gospel of John: Chapter 3, Chapter 7 and Chapter 19.

Nicodemus in John Chapter 3: Initial Encounter and Spiritual Rebirth

Nicodemus, known for his deep knowledge of Jewish law, approaches Jesus under the cover of night, acknowledging Jesus as a teacher from God. Instead of responding directly to Nicodemus’ statement, Jesus goes straight to the heart of the matter—being “Born Again”.

Jesus explains that being “Born Again” is not about physical birth but a spiritual transformation—a new birth through faith in Him. It entails repentance, acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior, and reconciliation with God.

Understanding Being Born Again

It is a Spiritual Transformation, it means a spiritual birth from God (being born of the Spirit), not a physical or natural birth. This transformation involves a change in our hearts, not just outward actions. It is not our works or being nearly as good enough, will take us to heaven.

Being “Born Again” is a spiritual experience. It’s when the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin, we understand/realize that we have sinned and feel the need to “Saved”, and we repent of our sin and finally confess Jesus is Lord and Saviour.

When we are “Born Again” there is no separation between God and us, because of Jesus Christ. And our names are written in the “Lambs Book of Life”. We are a child of God not just today but forevermore.

Progression in Nicodemus’ Journey

John 7: 50-51: Nicodemus defends Jesus amidst a debate among the Pharisees, advocating for fairness and justice in judging Him.
John 19: 39-40: Nicodemus, alongside Joseph of Arimathea, courageously cares for Jesus’ body after His crucifixion, demonstrating his public support and reverence for Jesus.

Lessons from Nicodemus’ Journey

Transformation of Heart: Nicodemus moves from a focus on external observances and works of the law to understanding the necessity of a personal, spiritual relationship with God.

One Way to Salvation: Jesus emphasizes that He is the exclusive path to eternal life. Despite various religions and beliefs, salvation comes only through faith in Him.

Public Witness: Nicodemus’ progression shows the importance of standing up for truth and openly supporting Jesus, even in the face of opposition.

Note About Baptism:

  • Baptism cannot save a person; in fact, Baptism is a result of being saved!
  • Once you are “Born-Again”, you are saved through faith, and you take Baptism as an external proclamation.
  • Being “Born-Again” is marked by a personal encounter with Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s conviction of sin.
  • Baptism is a symbol of being saved through faith, not the source of salvation itself.